Inobe Hospital

Guidance of Forgetfulness

“I am getting forgetful these days ....”
If you get worried about your memory, how about visiting ‘Forgetfulness Outpatient Department’ of Inobe Hospital?
“That, here! That….”
“I cannot remember what I had as a meal yesterday.”
“I know that person well, but his name is ……”
These are what happen to everybody, aren’t they?
It would be no problem if these are just amusing episodes but, in some cases, a disease, or “dementia” , could be hiding behind them.

What is dementia?

“Dementia” and “Forgetfulness Caused by Aging” are different!
DementiaForgetfulness Caused by Aging
CauseCaused by diseasesCaused by aging
Asking Oneself about Forgetfulness (Consciousness of Disease)No Consciousness in Many CasesRetain Consciousness
Disorder of MemoryForgetting an experience in whole Forgetting an experience in part
Damage to Everyday LifeThere are damages to one’s everyday life.There are no damage to one’s everyday life.
OrientationDisoriented about time and spaceNot disoriented about time or space
Delusion of StolenSometimes associatedNo associated

Early detection and early treatment are important.

In some cases, amnesia can be treatable and prevented from being developed.
In some cases, amnesia cannot be cured if they are remedied or treated late.
Although in many cases amnesia is, regrettably, not expected to be fully cured, it is possible to delay its development and improve its symptoms even partially.
Also, the symptoms of amnesia can be relieved through appropriate remedies.
“Early Detection” and “Early Treatment” are important for amnesia.

For Those Wishing to Receive Medical Consultation

Consultation Day

Every Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. An advance reservation is required.

Medical Consultation

The consultation fee can be covered by your medical insurance policy.
Patients are expected to be accompanied by their family members for the report on consultation results and the discussion on future treatment policies.
※Please fill in a questionnaire and bring it with you on the consultation day. (If doing so, your waiting time before the consultation will become relatively shorter.)
Downloadable Questionnaire


Inobe Hospital